Fight post-holiday syndrome

Combatir síndrome post-vacacional

Beach days and relax are over. We return to the routine, but that’s not why we have to suffer this syndrome that affects more than half of the population. Here we leave some advises to combat your symptoms. Try to put them into practice ! Distributes better your holidays. It is more productive , and less traumatic back from holidays, if for example we segment resting two weeks in summer and enjoy more holidays in other moments of the year. In this way we always mentally closer long-awaited moment of disconnection.


Another option is to go out for the weekend, without having to ask for days off. Prepare yourself and make changes to your obligations Do not stress too soon, the return does not have to be as bad as your mind imagines and you’re already in a bad mood before your come back. Watch your office, any detail that can make it more comfortable, or personalize it having near you something that you find motivating or causing you a good feeling . Try background music, a picture of someone you like … Think that changes would make you feel better before returning and applies what is within your reach.


Color your days

Try to keep some of your favorite activities that you enjoyed in your spare time, to help breaking your day and minimize the impact of the come back. Try any type of leisure activity that you have not done before, it will help improve those ” gray days “. No need to do great things, can be treated from a new recipe to a new place to visit. Take care of yourself aside time to care for your body and mind. From reading a book, performing yoga, pilates, swimming, walking, a massage, a hairdressing session, watch your diet to feel better … they are basic but essential to cope better with practically anything in life steps.



Each person has their priorities, but seek personal fulfillment through work is not always best. There is life beyond your job, and you depends on what you spend your free time. There are many ways to make you feel fulfilled and important : leaving a cultural legacy, working with charities, teaching something that you’re good at others … choose how you would like to be reminded and go for it.


Create a personal calendar

Create a calendar with all dates and events that make you dreaming, and put it in sight. Take in acount that the best moments always can help and motivate. And finally , change your environment You can redecorate your home with small details, make a small renovation … And, if you decide to move, do not hesitate to contact us!

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